thirty years of singing
songs of labor, civil rights, women’s rights
songs to fight the horrors of war
nuclear war, drone war, all war
singing to save mother earth
songs from gospel
songs for marching, the picket line
sweet songs of labor and love
over three decades of battling injustice with song
the new york city labor chorus.
by Tom Karlson, NYC Labor Chorus – bass section
thirty years of singing
songs of labor, civil rights, women’s rights
songs to fight the horrors of war
nuclear war, drone war, all war
singing to save mother earth
songs from gospel
songs for marching, the picket line
sweet songs of labor and love
over three decades of battling injustice with song
the new york city labor chorus.
by Tom Karlson, NYC Labor Chorus – bass section
thirty years of singing
songs of labor, civil rights, women’s rights
songs to fight the horrors of war
nuclear war, drone war, all war
singing to save mother earth
songs from gospel
songs for marching, the picket line
sweet songs of labor and love
over three decades of battling injustice with song
the new york city labor chorus.
by Tom Karlson, NYC Labor Chorus – bass section